Nadejda Dimchova
About Nadejda Dimchova:

Nadeto attends a Pole Dance class for the first time in 2016, full of excitement, as it is a sport she’s wanted to try out in a long while. From the very first spin around the pole, she knows that it will become her passion. For her, this is a great creative activity, combining sport, dance, grace and soulful satisfaction. In the studio she finds both inspiration, tranquility and the pursuit of perfection.

Experiencing the tense and dynamic everyday life of a medical student, Nadeto is extremely well aware of the importance of harmonious balance between mental and sport activities. It is in the pole dance studio where she finds the power and energy, nothing else has given her until now.

As an instructor he wants to encourage such spiritual and physical growth in everyone and facilitate them in experiencing the magic fulfilling both body and mind while training on the pole.

DAYS Center Mladost Lozenets
Monday 20:05 – 21:35
Friday 18:30 – 20:00
Sunday 09:45 – 11:15